26 Things I learned in 26 Years!

*Sweet 26*

Hey... It's my 26th birthday today and I'm so curious to put forward some of my learning so far. 

My birthday cake

I've spent a quarter of my ages here on this planet and now I'm feeling a little nostalgic to think back through all those years. Made up of all those tricky challenges, sweet moments, fancy hopes and unknown discoveries... yet the best part is I'm still learning while celebrating. I'm really a believer of celebrating life daily. Age is just a number. Each passing day gets counted and then there comes a big day.. your (Happy) Birthday!!! And you learn something day by day as you grow...

happy birthday
  1. You are more than you Believe.
  2. Each and everyone you meet has some message for you. Don't ignore.
  3. Don't take anything personally. 
  4. It's okay not to have figured out what you want till your 20s.
  5. There are types of people, introvert, ambivert and extrovert. And it's fine to stay tuned with yourself. So spend time understanding yourself rather than others. You can't change other's opinions and behaviors but you can always change yours! Love & pamper yourself like no one does!
  6. Save a portion of money for the future. Some people assume that life comes once so enjoy it to the fullest. But then you might regret this one decision later.
  7. Be curious. Keep learning. Stay active.
  8. Surround yourself with intelligent & brilliant people. Stay in their touch for long. Well, they're talented for a reason.
  9. Kill hatred by kindness, coz Love isn't for everyone.
  10. Not all who say they're your friends, really are. 
  11. Not following exact diet is okay. But some amount of exercise is crucial.
  12. Arguing is bad, but you should know how to fight back!
  13. The art of asking what you want and the ability to say NO are the 2 skills that will take you through the road to success.
  14. Cut your hair. Change your wardrobe. Get a whole new look at-least once. Uplift yourself. You're gonna love it!
  15. Never take anyone's helpful nature for granted.
  16. There is a plan for everyone in life. Our job is to find our purpose. Keep dreaming big. You'll appreciate it the next year.
  17. Don't worry about your career or getting settled. You attract what you think you deserve. Keep the good thoughts coming!
  18. And be open to challenges. You'll like them too.
  19. There is more than one way for everything. Don't get stuck anywhere. There are many alternatives in this world. Keep your eyes, ears and (other) senses open.
  20. Wounds, grudges or tortures. Everything heals. 
  21. Politics at workplace? Leave it. Because ultimately, even the skills are hard-work in disguise.
  22. Play with kids, especially with babies. They're the best stress relievers. 
  23. You're lucky when people tell you that you are wrong on your face.
  24. Your childhood cravings for maggi, chocolates and street food may never end. And its okay too.
  25. The golden rule is to wear your Confidence wherever you go, or at least try to fake it until you get it.
  26. Just like each day passes away, so will the years. Make them count!

Thanks for reading!!!
